Joan of Arcadia was a TV show set in the fictional town of Arcadia, Maryland. The show's premise was that God appeared in the flesh (in the form of several different people) to Joan. Although it had all the expected teenage angst, it wasn't just for and about teenagers. Both of Joan's parents figured prominently in the show.
Joan of Arcadia debuted in September 2003 and lasted two seasons. Since it was cancelled after the end of the second season, there was no official ending to the series. As often happens, it ended on a cliffhanger that left the fans wondering what the network was thinking when it ordered the show's cancellation.
Joan of Arcadia
Posted by
Eliza Wynn
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Someone mentioned this show to me a while back,I can't recall who it was. I'd not seen it, but it sounded like a neat show.
I watched a few episodes but couldn't get into it for some reason.
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